Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Colors and the Kids

Another in our ongoing series of feel good/feel bad songs.

"Yellow, hair. You are a funny bear."


Unknown said...

OK this is fucking weird!
Abe, it's me Jason. Jason CV. Maya said she saw you around town over the past month and I said "no you're crazy." So I did a little digging and I found you!

Ok, I sound like a stalker.

We've been up here for about 5 years livin' in St. Johns and we have a wee-one, Oliver. Contact me if you would like to hangout some day and drink a few. It would be great to see you.

Old Nevermore said...

Yo man! I keep having a feeling we're going to run into each other.

Seems like we're always living in the same places, after all.

I haven't seen you since I flaked on helping you with your car in like 2001-ish?

Love to see you guys. bigrednay at hotmail dot com