I got new glasses.
If you haven't done so already, you need to put in some time listening to this record.

You won't like it, but it will be good for you.
I left work at noon today to hang out with the Lads while wifey does the Pok.
Here's what the rest of my afternoon looks like:

Argue if you must, bitches, but that there's Man Food.
I took off yesterday afternoon to hit up the Bye and Bye for a beer and some black-eyed peas, and I decided to ride the Colnago, which, as of late has been doing nothing but trailer duty. A shame since I just recently fit her with a new set of Veloflex Masters, which are absolutely the nicest tires I've had a chance to ride and also the hardest to mount since I have nice matching blisters on my thumbs from trying to roll them onto the rim.
I guess I was in a hurry to get out the door, and didn't realize my rear QR was looseish-- I only discovered this when I stood up to hammer thru a yellow and found myself otb in the middle of Burnside, rear wheel tangled in chain and me poor self roughly separated from the bike.
Deep tissue bruises are the sucks.
Wear your helmets, kiddies.
I too have a baboon heart! No really, I drank a double deuce of The Hammer tonite while nursing my own (polo-related) OTB bruises.
I'm back online too bitch!
Those portuguese sardines are beautiful. There will be no argument from me.
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