Tuesday, July 28, 2009

It's in Me

Marvin LaVerne Werth. Christmas 1951, Long Beach California.


I wish you were still around, Grandpa. We need you.


Jonny Hamachi said...

Shut The Fuck Up,

if he didn't have bare arms I would swear that was you.

That is really fucking with me.

Fucking Freemans.
It feels like something is missing, and I am.

Old Nevermore said...

Yeah, Grandpa never had any tattoos.

Judging by the state of his shirt, I'd say he just got off of work at Ford's Long Beach assembly plant.

He'd come from the Family farm in Wisconsin a couple of years before and got a good paying job as a welder for Ford, before he went on to commercial fishing, welding in the shipyards, and maintaining the BIG vehicles that were building the highways out thru the desert.

The world lacks for tough, smart men like these.

Gunnar Berg said...

Your Grandfather looks good...and tough - a little James Dean in his posture - not one to be trifled with. These men are still around, you just have to go rural to find them. Generally, hardass and tough as rock doesn't mix well with Big City.

oldschooly said...

Holy crap, Red, it IS you! Uncanny.

Of the same jib I suspect.