Monday, February 18, 2008

Portland Sunday

We've been so busy lately just being a regular family. Wifey and I rarely cross paths anymore, and between trying to keep the kids alive and trying not to work ourselves to death, we don't get much time to just chill.

So we took a zero-dollar day yesterday. Spend nothing, do much. It invoved a long bike ride, a walk in the park, many shots of tequila, some pasta and a bottle of wine, and waking up this morning hung-over as shit, but totally re-energized.









WBC Boise Chapter said...

You're gettin so artsy in your old age, happy belated by the way, nobody tells me nothin nohow.
I love the picture of that sweet "cole-longo". How you get your pictures so biiig?
The P77's miss you guys,lil brats an all.

WBC Boise Chapter said...

You're gettin so artsy in your old age, happy belated by the way, nobody tells me nothin nohow.
I love the picture of that sweet "cole-longo". How you get your pictures so biiig?
The P77's miss you guys,lil brats an all.

Old Nevermore said...

artsy, shartsy. When you guys gonna come for a visit? There are some expensive tits and cheap beers I need to show you.