That Is Fucking Awesome.
You gotta love it - their intensity. It certainly beats baby Tiger Woods with golf clubs. Though if they are going to support Old Dad in his declining years with their winnings you might have picked the wrong sport.
No, I figure once they're old enough (14 or so), they'll be ready to start playing professional poker.I was planning on sending them to college, but right now, all of my cash is tied up in scratchers.There's also this driveway repaving scam I read about.
When you first got the lads pushing these you should have built an Adult Size skuut to push around with them.That would have totally taken off in the PDX, all the hipsters with kids, you could have made a killing.
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Fucking Awesome.
You gotta love it - their intensity. It certainly beats baby Tiger Woods with golf clubs. Though if they are going to support Old Dad in his declining years with their winnings you might have picked the wrong sport.
No, I figure once they're old enough (14 or so), they'll be ready to start playing professional poker.
I was planning on sending them to college, but right now, all of my cash is tied up in scratchers.
There's also this driveway repaving scam I read about.
When you first got the lads pushing these you should have built an Adult Size skuut to push around with them.
That would have totally taken off in the PDX, all the hipsters with kids, you could have made a killing.
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