Technology changes. Real legs don't. Damn! chiseled them suckers outta oak. Clogs? I'm so sorry for you Abraham; will you be procuring the new Volvo station wagon by month's end then?
Hopefully them clogs got steel toes, brother.
Listen very carefully to the lyrics of the song, and know that I won't be buying shit for a long time to come.
Dude, Those effing legs! WTF? I've gotta go and get on my bike......
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Technology changes. Real legs don't. Damn! chiseled them suckers outta oak.
Clogs? I'm so sorry for you Abraham; will you be procuring the new Volvo station wagon by month's end then?
Hopefully them clogs got steel toes, brother.
Listen very carefully to the lyrics of the song, and know that I won't be buying shit for a long time to come.
Dude, Those effing legs! WTF? I've gotta go and get on my bike......
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